Authors Align Yourselves

(A Series of Writing Exercises)


     Today’s post will be the first of seven and includes, writing exercises, tips, memory recall and character building. The Chakra’s will be discussed and briefly explained but the focus of these posts is to strengthen writing skills. (If you want to know more about chakra’s click here). Writing exercises strengthen the brain, increase daily word counts and help shape and develop the skills pertinent to the craft.

     There are seven chakra’s that need to be aligned for balance to be found. Each one will be addressed in order from head to toe.   What writing chakra is blocked for you?

      Chakra’s -from Sankrit cakra ‘wheel of circle ‘from an Indo-European
base, meaning turn shared by wheel ( and often translated in English as Lotus.  The mystical practice of yoga in Ancient India first codified these theories.   
          (7 Chakras)
1. Crown 2. Third Eye 3. Throat 4. Heart 5. Solar Plexus 6.Sacral 7. Root

     Any author who takes the time to center themselves, mind, body, and spirit, takes the initiative to discover depths of the human soul, including their own. The knowledge obtained from diving into their personal ocean may be worth the plunge. Aligning the chakra’s helps restore balance to self. The method of doing this practice can be beneficial to writers.

chakra“/ CC0 1.0
chakra“/ CC0 1.0

Crown Chakra-(Top of Head) This chakra is associated with enlightenment, the element of thought and is described as the connection to spirit. When this chakra is balanced, a realization comes that we share a universal consciousness and essentially, we are one. The act of balancing this chakra brings knowledge and wisdom and is represented by the color purple.

Royal gold crown png sticker“/ CC0 1.0

First, we will focus on thought building. Consider the following questions when creating characters.

· What are the inner thoughts of your character?

·    Does your character speak their mind? 

·     Are they timid and afraid of confrontation?

The thought of a character is just as important as the attire they choose to wear. If you want to create memorable characters you must
allow the reader to enter the main character’s mind.

                                               Challenge Yourself

Facial expression png illustration, transparent“/ CC0 1.0

If your character has a strong point of view on a topic, arrange for them to encounter someone with opposing views. Because we are dealing with the Crown Chakra and for it to be balanced, it must be
understood that we are not separate from each other. We are a connection of each other, therefore set up your character to achieve enlightenment.· What ordeals must they first face? · What’s the small moment that nudges them onto the path? ·  What practices do they use to calm their mind and alter those nasty thoughts that pound and beg to come in?

Photo by Juliana Stein on

This next part is designed to inspire different thinking patterns. The crown chakra is located at the top of the head. What’s does the head of your character look like?

  • Does a crown, hat, scarf, or wig rest atop?
  • What’s the Hair length, color, texture, style etc?

     Characters have many attributes and features. They are more than their given name or their life circumstance. You need to walk along their streams and submerse yourself in their rivers. Ask them the questions you don’t like to be asked. Make them reply in ways you never would.

     Challenge yourself to create a character opposite of the people you naturally gravitate to in life.

  • Try writing in a new genre!
  • Think of a person in life you may have disputed with or didn’t play well with.

Only write down the good things about them. Make them a loveable character instead of a love to hate character. Utilizing this method stretches the mind and allows it to go beyond the normal way of thinking.


dream“/ CC0 1.0


  Imagination is located within the mind and may not be officially associated with the crown chakra but for this exercise we will pretend that it is.

    Imagination lies in the minds of all people, but it’s a muscle that needs proper exercise. Children are filled with imagination. The key to rediscovering the verve may be to reconnect with the inner child. When you were a child where did your imagination take you? Did you play in a kingdom built from cardboard boxes? Did you toss a blanket across your shoulders and claim it to be a cape? Did you build communities using Legos and objects?

Imagination Exercise_

Recall a memory of yourself as a child playing. Go back into the mind of the child you were in that moment in time. Ask yourself the following questions, then write out your replies.

1.What are you playing?

2. What made you choose this to play with?

3. Why do you like to play this game?

4. Where are you pretending to be?

     Take this moment to pretend as if once again you are that child. Close your eyes and recall being in that small body with thoughts full of play and fantasy.

  • Where is the child?  A bedroom, a field, backyard etc.
  • What did you look like as a young child? (Give detailed features, body build, hair style and clothing)

    You can use photographs of your self as a child to help recall a moment to write about.

  • Do not give descriptions based on how you saw yourself at that time, instead describe the child as if observing from afar.

  Include a scene where there is dialogue.

  • You can sprinkle additional information through character conversation. E.g. Sound of child’s voice, was it high in pitch, raspy, soft, etc. Use the vocabulary spoken at that age. If they are playing alone, you can have someone enter the room or call to them so you can sneak in the voice description.

     Give internal thoughts throughout the writing, so the reader understands who the character is outwardly as well as internally.  

  • What are they thinking about as they sit constructing a Lego castle? Do they have quirks (can you remember if you did)? Eg. Humming while concentrating, or do they fidget?

     Remember this is about you as a child so only (for this exercise) include things you remember about yourself. Use this exercise as the starting point for a short story, personal essay, picture book or perhaps an autobiography.

The final exercise will focus on color. The addition or absence of color can impact scenes and allow the reader to gain better images of the story they are reading.  

Photo by Jonny Lew on
  • What color walls are in the room? If outside, what hues paint the landscape?
  • What color clothes does the character like to wear? Bright and cheery or dark and dreary?
  • Color can also be used to help define unseen things such as emotions. If you were asked what color you would give to a great day what would your response be? What about a horrible day?

     The color associated with the crown chakra is Purple. What was the first thought that came to your mind when you read the word purple?  Add purple or one of its shades to a work in progress. Use your imagination to incorporate the color in a unique way. Purple is often associated with royalty which may be why it’s the chosen color to represent the crown.

     Writing may be a gift to some, but for others it’s a craft that needs to be honed in order to obtain the necessary skills. Hopefully these exercises will allow you, the writer, to come to a clearer understanding of self, nature, animals, and others. For all writers looking for enlightenment, I hope for you a beautiful crown.

Next up: Third Eye Chakra

1 Comment

Filed under authors, Uncategorized, Writing

One response to “Authors Align Yourselves

  1. timloftuse47ffde5a3

    I’ve already been doing some of this in my own writing without even realizing it! Now you’ve given me a few more “tools” to incorporate into my writer’s toolbox.

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